The Dutch singer Charlie Dée composed a ‘Perfect Joni’ in addition to her Joni Mitchell-tribute. ‘Perfect’ is an series of music collections, initiated by Niels Aalberts from Eerste Hulp Bij Plaatopnamen.
In januari there’ll probably be a ‘Perfect Onder Invloed’, but that’s for later. To get an impression of Charlie’s Joni-tribute: here is the Onder Invloed session she recorder earlier this year.
You can download Perfect Joni here for Mac users and here for PC users. The compilation includes Charlies version of ‘Blue’.
This saturday she’ll play her tribute in EKKO, in Utrecht (buy your tickets here) and on the 10th of January in Walhalla, Rotterdam.
On the EHPO-blog there’s an explanation by Charlie about why she made the choices for these song. Go read and download, but before all: go see here live in Utrecht or Rotterdam. It’s worth spending your money and time on.
Charlie Dée – Blue – Onder Invloed