We are proud to present a first official Onder Invloed album. In cooperation with the recording project In A Cabin With we’ve recorded this album in the summer of 2009. The album will be released on the 25th of March but is already available as an €8.40 pre-order!
All songs on this album are so-called traditionals. Traditional songs are songs from unknown authors, mostly because they’re so old and transmitted through an oral tradition. A lot of these songs were later made famous by musicians like Woody Guthrie and Bob Dylan.
Onder Invloed filmed the recordings and will publish a video for every song on a soon to be launched website.
Here’s a preview of ‘Days Of ’49’ recorded by Anne Soldaat.
[audio:http://www.matchboxbuilder.com/uploads/large/inacabinwith_110214115238.mp3]Featuring musicians: Anne Soldaat, Bertolf, Marien Dorleijn (Moss), Tim Knol, Djurre de Haan (Awkward I), Ralph Mulder (Alamo Race Track), Odilo Girod (Chop Wood/Coparck), Lea, Maurits Westerik (GEM), Bram Hakkens (Kyteman), Davie Lawson (UK), Ro Halfhide, Koen-Willem Toering (Woost), Paul Tasker & Iona MacDonald (Doghouse Roses, UK), Arn Kortooms, Nicky Hustinx, Vincent Beijer, Bauke Bakker, Stan Vreeken, Anne Broekman, Nick Schuit, Frank Schalkwijk, Marlies Kroon, Adrien Jeanjean, Jesse Beuker en Ian Annesson (DE).